Usage of dpkg under cygwin
Lucas Laurindo dos Santos
2011-08-15 15:47:16 UTC
I'm not aware of the whole discussion, but it seems that you are
having problems because dpkg requires user id "0" (root) and it does
not exist under Cygwin.
If it only requires user id "0" ignoring group id, I think I've found
a workaround for this issue. I'm running latest version of Cygwin over
Windows XP.

You can create a root user by following these steps:
- Open with Notepad the file "/etc/passwd" (probably "C:\cygwin\etc\passwd")
- Look for the line that contains your Username. Mine looks like this
- Copy and paste the entire line to the end of the file.
- Note that the 4 first words follow the pattern
"username:groupname:userid:groupid", in my case
- Replace 'username' and 'userid' with "root" and "0". Mine:
- Replace "/home/yourusername" with "/root".
- In the end it will look like this
- Save.

It's done. Open Cygwin Shell and run 'su' and 'whoami' to test.
Please let me know if it works!
